The recent identification of 10 schools in SPS (and 35 statewide) as likely Level 4 schools by the State's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is an opportunity to move forward smartly while honoring the reform work of the past in alignment with new accountability measures and the best interests of students at the forefront of all our decisions.
The “level 4” designation provides districts with new tools, including the flexibility to change staffing and work conditions. While some unknowns regarding this legislation still remain, one thing is certain for Springfield Public Schools: we will continue to work closely with SEA to ensure that any staffing changes are transparent, equitable and with the least disruption to our system. Springfield Public Schools has no interest in following the drastic Rhode Island model of a blanket discharge of teachers and other educators.
We will take this opportunity to provide additional resources to our most needy schools and we will work to ensure we make effective changes that will have the most positive impact on our students in way that accelerates their improvement. We will work hard and we and we will sustain a rapid pace because when it comes to our kids, every minute counts.