A Culture of Educational Excellence!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

SPS Strategic Plan is a living, breathing document

Pockets of success and opportunities for improvements within the school district were the topic of conversation during a meeting at the district’s Professional Development Center at Duggan yesterday, which reconvened stakeholders who had participated in the district’s strategic planning process in 2008.

We reviewed the strategic priorities that were developed during that process, which center around academic achievement, school safety, staff qualifications, parent and community partnerships, resources and funding, leadership and communication. And the school district shared data as it relates to our progress in these priorities and student achievement overall.

Representatives from the business, faith-based, community, early education, higher education, Springfield Public Schools and others, were present to share their ideas and thoughts for moving the district forward.

The meeting further evidenced the depth of community support for Springfield Public Schools. The strategic plan is a living document that I frequently jokingly say is meant to be battered and bruised. By that, I simply mean it isn’t a document that looks pretty and sits on a shelf. It is to be continually revisited and edited to reflect the promise of increased student achievement. Yesterday was another leap in that direction and I thank everyone involved for their participation.