A Culture of Educational Excellence!

Monday, November 8, 2010

An unforgettable act of bravery

High School of Science and Technology student Frederick Rivera was due all the publicity he received in the local media recently when the School Committee honored him for bravery.

Frederick was being honored for his actions in coming to the aid of a fellow student recently when he noticed that student was sorely outnumbered (seven to one) in a fight that had erupted before school.

It is easy for a student, and even adults, to utter the right words, participate in the politically correct forums and even speak the popular language of the day. But the true measure of a person is weighed by their actions. Frederick Rivera acted in a way that was heroic, selfless, and admirable. It was heartwarming to see the pride that was so evident in the faces of Frederick’s family as Mayor Sarno presented him with a plaque at the School Committee meeting last week. The honor belongs to not only to Frederick but also to his family because as the mayor stated “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” But Frederick’s bravery has made an impression on more than elected officials and relatives. During the School Committee meeting, Student Representative Daniella Brown, also a student at Sci Tech, said Frederick’s actions have resonated throughout the school and have helped build a more positive school culture.

As I watched and read the news reports that followed the School Committee ceremony in Frederick’s honor, I was filled with pride. More than that, his actions should give us all pause to ask ourselves what would have done.