The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading is a long-term effort by foundations to improve third grade reading proficiency for all students and close the gap in reading achievement that separates many low-income students from their more affluent peers. This campaign strives to make grade-level reading proficiency by the end of third grade a national priority.
On Nov. 8, we heard from Ralph Smith, Managing Director for the Campaign for Grade Level Reading and Senior Vice President at the Annie E. Casey Foundation. He emphasized the key levers to improved student reading achievement as: kindergarten readiness, improved student attendance and summer learning opportunities.
Locally, there is much work underway through the "Read! Reading Success by 4th Grade," which has been spearheaded by the Davis Foundation and a host of collaborative partnerships. There are also a number of entities who have come together in working with the district to help address reading achievement through a series of strategies.
Some examples include: Hasbro Games’ summer learning initiative; WGBY’s summer reading program in five elementary schools; Regional Employment Board administration of a program at two Springfield Housing Authority sites funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation (Talk/Read/Succeed which is a placed-based program for children and families with a goal of children’s reading proficiency, parent education partnership and work force development programming); Ready! for Kindergarten (parenting education); Springfield Parent Academy; Springfield museums and libraries; the Springfield Education Association and SPS Collaboration for Change; and high quality early education care to help leverage school readiness across the city.
While there are plenty of challenges and opportunities, there is no shortage of commitment and a willingness to work together on the part of many, to help accelerate reading achievement for all students in Springfield.